The YEMMC is authorized to conduct purchasing, warehouse and mail distribution services on behalf of Yuma Elementary School District No. 1 and Yuma Union High School District. Located in Yuma County, Arizona, YEMMC has been providing these services since 2005.
Yuma County, Arizona, is located in the southwest corner of the state (click the map to the right to see a larger image appear).
The YEMMC is a member of the Yuma Educational Purchasing Association, YEPA is a regional association of school districts, Arizona Western College, City of Yuma and Yuma County. Additionally, the YEMMC also participates with other statewide purchasing cooperatives: Strategic Alliance of Volume Expenditures (SAVE), Mohave Educational Services Cooperative (Mohave) and the Arizona State Procurement Office (SPO).
On behalf of YESD and YUHSD, the Yuma Educational Materials Management Consortium posts invitations for bids, requests for proposals and other formal and informal solicitations on the Arizona Purchasing website,